My Cosy Bed

Best Adjustable and Smart Bed Reviews

Detailed reviews and buyers guides for adjustable beds, smart beds and smart mattresses. We make it easy for you to find the right bed and base for your needs.

Best Adjustable Beds and Frames
There are so many brands and types of adjustable beds. We are here to help you with insights into deciding which adjustable bed and adjustable bed frame fit with your needs, lifestyle and budget.
Luxury Smart Beds

Smart beds and smart mattresses that understand your sleep patterns. Then rely this information back to you with suggestions so you can make the necessary changes to improve your sleep quality.
Orthopedic Mattresses
Investigating the top mattress for various types of back pain. We help you by narrowing the mattresses what are suited to assist in the pain you are experiencing.
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Get The Best Adjustable Bed for You, the Easy Way

When you come to Best Adjustable Beds, Smart Beds and Smart Mattresses, you can expect well-researched and helpful information, buyers guides, reviews and  comparisons for beds of all styles and brands. We are sleep and comfort enthusiasts who love to research the details and bring you easy to read summaries so you can fully understand the products and make smart buying decisions to save yourself time and money. 

Expert knowledge to help you buy smart

How We Compare & Choose

We provide expert knowledge about adjustable beds, smart beds and smart mattresses. We explain what sets a product apart from its competitors, and suggest other comparable products based on price or use.  We also look at how the frames, beds and mattresses have been designed, and what type of person they are targeted to – so you can make your decision based on what is right for you and your partners sleeping needs.

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Our Adjustable Bed Frames Reviews

What Makes A Top Adjustable Bed?

The right purchase when shopping for the best adjustable beds and bed frames, will improve your life in multiple ways, such as improving your sleeping patterns. Whether you’re buying for health reasons, shopping for adjustable beds for elderly individuals, or simply want more comfort at night, these factors will determine if you get value for money:

Factors In Choosing Your Adjustable Bed Frame

The value of in-depth reviews like ours is being able to compare the best adjustable beds in terms of features and specifications. Features to consider when choosing yours:

Our Guide To Adjustable Beds

Thanks to multi-hinged surfaces, your adjustable bed can help create the ideal sleeping position. Whether for health or comfort reasons, these innovative bed structures can enhance sleep quality. However, each adjustable bed frame is different in terms of features and benefits. Use our guide to make smart decisions and get value for money.

We have categoried Adjustable bases and beds into the following categories

  • The Premium Adjustable Base Models
  • The Performance Adjustable Base Models
  • The Value Adjustable Bed Models
  • The Basic Adjustable Base Models

Our Smart Bed Reviews

What Makes A Top Smart Bed?

In the smart bed industry, the challenge is to utilise modern technology to help customers enjoy more comfort and convenience in the bedroom. Top brands manage to incorporate these tech features into a bed’s design, giving users easy access to its benefits. 

Look for the following when identifying smart beds that offer value for money:

Since many smart features on smart beds affect sleep quality, it’s a worthwhile investment in your health and wellbeing. Smart features can also make life easier for seniors or someone recovering from injury. 

Factors In Choosing Your Smart Bed and Smart Mattress

Just because you incorporate smart features in your home doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a good customer experience. It’s essential to pick smart products – including your new smart bed or smart mattress – that suit your personal needs. 

When comparing different smart beds and smart bed base models, consider the following questions to identify the best smart bed model for you:


Our Guide To Smart Beds and Smart Mattresses

These beds in most instances use technology to enhance so your sleep experience. To help you navigate and find what you need we have taken the smart bed class of beds and broken it out into the following categories:

  • Media Beds
  • Sleep Monitoring Beds
  • Positional Control Beds (Adjustable Bed Frames)
  • Temperature
  • Regulating Mattresses
  • Self Making Beds
  • Multifunctional Beds

Orthopedic Mattresses Reviews

What Makes A Top Orthopedic Mattress?

If you often experience pain and discomfort in bed, it may be time for a different mattress but you can’t simply settle for any model. With the right features, orthopedic mattresses can transform your sleeping quality and bring a stop to back pain, hip pain and many other muscle and joint issues. But look for these features that prove the ortho mattress has value:


Factors In Choosing an Orthopedic Mattress

Firstly, know that orthopedic mattresses may not be the right buy for everyone. Consumers who specifically benefit from these mattresses are:

  • Sleepers who enjoy resting on firm surfaces.
  • Individuals who experience back, hip or other joint pain while in bed.
  • Patients recovering from certain injuries, who need more support and pressure relief to facilitate faster recovery.
  • The elderly who may experience more joint pain and stiffness. Thanks to pressure relief, joints may feel less painful and the body has a better chance of recovery during sleep.
  • Active individuals who want to give their bodies an optimal chance of recovering at night after heavy exercise.


To identify your ideal ortho mattress, compare the following features between different products:

  • Availability of the size you require.
  • Whether it’s appropriate for your more prominent sleeping position.
  • Will it support your body size and weight?
  • Do you find softer or firmer mattresses more comfortable?
  • Does the manufacturer allow a trial period?
  • If you prefer eco-friendly and hypo-allergenic furniture, is the mattress appropriate?
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